Concrete Dusting: Causes & Preventive Measures
In the construction industry, concrete is one of the most widely used materials because of its durability and strength. However, concrete like other materials experience issues because of inappropriateness in handling. One common problem of concrete is “dusting”, a phenomenon that impacts the quality, longevity and texture of concrete surfaces. Dusting is often considered as a fine layer of powder material that forms on the surface of hardened concrete and it is a significant issue if not addressed appropriately. In this blog, we will explore concrete dusting, causes and impacts on structure and preventive measures.
What is dusting?
Concrete dusting refers to a phenomenon in which a powder material forms above the hardened concrete surface. Dusting on the hardened concrete mostly occurs in both indoor and outdoor surfaces due to negligence. This dust can be easily brushed off and its presence highlights the weakened nature of the concrete. Apart from that, dusting can be observed from industrial floors to sidewalks which become a nuisance if not treated properly. However, dusting becomes visible after using the surface for a while that tends to worsen with foot movement. Dusting can result in deeper structural issues in the long-term and also lead to generate more concern over a significant time.
Causes of dusting
1. Higher water percentage in the concrete mix
Dusting majorly appears due to excessive water present in the concrete mix. Presence of excessive water or added water amount makes concrete diluted which weakens the concrete's cement particles bond. It results in a surface towards soft, porous and prone to dusting. At First Choice Readymix, we recommend using Flowable Concrete containing a proper balance of water and cement to ensure Durability, optimum workability and prevent dusting.
2. Inadequate curing
Determining concrete’s strength and durability, inadequate curing keeps the surface dry quickly, which often leads to formation of weak and dusty top layers. That is why, Concrete required time to hydrate fully and rushing this process resulted in poor bonding between surfaces.
3. Finishing the surface quickly or premature finishing
Finishing concrete before a certain time that easily traps water just below the surface which weakens the top layer of the concrete. Once the concrete finally hardens, the surface tends to become weak and prone to dusting. This premature finishing is mostly observed in tight schedules when contractors often compromise the quality to speed- up the process.
4. Using poor quality material
Determining causes of dusting, checking material quality is essential. For example- Using poor graded aggregates or using substandard Lightweight Concrete mix often resulted in a weak surface that is susceptible to dusting. We First Choice Readymix, as reputable RMC companies in India ensure high quality concrete mix to prevent dusting.
5. Environmental factors
Dusting in industrial settings can be influenced by various environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and wind while curing concrete. If concrete is exposed to excessive wind or heat before it has had a chance to set, moisture can evaporate quickly from the surface often leading to dusting.
How it affects the structure
1.Concrete dusting is more than an aesthetic issue when it comes to structural performance. Dusting indicates the weak surface layer of the concrete that mostly leads towards deterioration as well as reduced durability. As a result, commercial or household owners experience a reduced lifespan of concrete structures. 2. A dusty concrete surface tends to become highly unprofessional and can not attract clients. In industrial and commercial settings, dusting can give a poor impression to clients and associated stakeholders alongside quality of workmanship. 3. Structures that are prone to dusting require more frequent maintenance to keep the surface clean and dust-free. In extreme cases, the surface may need to be resurfaced or repaired entirely. It often resulted in increasing maintenance cost as well as upsurge in expenditure. 4. In industrial settings, concrete dusting can pose a safety hazard by making surfaces slippery, increasing the risk of slips and falls. Dust particles can also become airborne, creating respiratory issues for workers that impact the brand reputation to others.
Preventive Measures and Remedies
Use well- balance mix
Preventing dusting can be done by taking the ideal ratio of concrete and water to ensure Concrete mix is properly proportioned. In doing so, we at First Choice Readymix suggests to use Flowable Concrete and properly designed concrete mix to avail right balance between water, cement and aggregates will result in a stronger surface that is less prone to dusting.
Use quality material in concrete Preparation
Avoiding dusting can be done by purchasing high-quality materials from reputable construction chemical suppliers like FirstChoice Readymix. We ensure that the concrete is mixed with well-graded aggregates and high-performance additives to enhance its strength and durability.
Appropriate curing of concrete surface
Proper curing can be achieved by keeping the surface moist for the suggested curing period. In doing so, using curing compounds can help to seal in moisture and promote proper hydration of cement particles.
Finishing curing at right time
Finishing of work too quickly can lead towards dusting that further deteriorates the structure. Preventing this issue, we suggest waiting until the concrete has set adequately before applying any finish to ensure a durable surface.